

13 Dec, 2022

In prima saptamana din anul 2023 de cand reincep cursurile, noi vom incheia cu trecerea notelor in carnet. Prin urmare va reamintesc ca aveti obligatia sa aveti carnetul de student sau legitimatia ISIC asupra dumneavoastra. Cine nu are carnetul de student sau legitimatia ISIC nu o sa pot sa ii descarc nota in catalogul final, deci are repetarea materiei. Cei care doresc sa marirea notei sunt asteptati pentru intrebari. Cei care sunt multumiti cu nota obtinuta pot sa adune la seful de an/grupa carnetele si sa vina o singura persoana.
In the first week of 2023 when classes start again, we will finish with passing the grades in the notebook. Therefore, I remind you that you have the obligation to have your student card or ISIC card on you. If you don't have a student card or ISIC card, I won't be able to download your grade in the final catalog, so you must repeat the matter. Those who wish to increase the grade are welcome for questions. Those who are satisfied with the grade obtained can collect the notebooks at the head of year/group and only one person can come.

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