Calendar de incheiere a notelor | Calendar for closing grades
06 Jan, 2023
Luni 8-10 IPA BN 306A
Luni 10-12 FAIMA ENGLEZA BN 306A
Marti 8-10 IMA BN 306A
Marti 10-12 IEDEEE BN 306A
Marti 10-12 CEPA BN 306A
Vineri 8-10 AERO BN 332
Cine nu doreste marire de nota, poate sa trimita carnetul de student prin seful/sefa de grupa.
Pentru marire de nota se vor adresa intrebari din toata materia.
Cine nu aduce carnetul de note va avea restanta.
Monday 8-10 IPA BN 306A
Monday 10-12 ENGLISH FAIMA BN 306A
Tuesday 8-10 IMA BN 306A
Tuesday 10-12 IEDEE BN 306A
Tuesday 10-12 CEPA BN 306A
Thursday 8-12 ISB + RESTANTIES (ISB) BN 306A
Friday 8-10 AERO BN 332
Those who do not want a grade increase, can send their student card through the head/group leader.
In order to increase the grade, questions will be asked from all subjects.
Anyone who does not have a student card will not receive a passing grade.