
Announcement for all groups

30 Mar, 2023

I would like to inform you that several people have been identified who tried the following:
- files created by other people;
- files worked on older laboratories (reused file);
- files copied from n people;
Therefore, I want to warn you that if you intend to do these things, you better give it up. In the exam you will receive 3 questions based on the works. Whoever does not answer correctly then the grade will not be passed.
Doresc sa va anunt ca au fost identificate mai multe persoane care au incercat urmatoarele:
- fisiere lucrate de alte persoane;
- fisiere lucrate pe laboratoare mai vechi (fisier refolosit);
- fisiere copiate de la n persoane;
Prin urmare doresc sa va atentionez ca daca intetionati sa faceti aceste lucruri, mai bine renuntati. La examen o sa primiti 3 intrebari pe baza lucrarilor. Cine nu raspunde corect atunci nota nu va fi de trecere.

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