
Medii Finale | Final marks

21 May, 2023

Mediile finale au fost publicate in data de 21.05.2023 ora 17:51 pe toate canalele de comunicatii. Au fost situatii in care examenul a depasit termenul de 100 min, prin urmare aceste situatii au fost tratate in felul urmator: pentru fiecare calup de 100 min a fost scazute 10 pct (pentru fiecare calup).
Ex 10 secunde intarziate = -10 pct; 101 minute intarziate = 2x10 pct.....
Studenti care aveau punctaj din timpul anului (minim 40 pct) dar nu au luat suficiente puncte la examen au fost transferate puncte din timpul anului la examen ca sa puteti sa promovati. La studenti care nu au avut de unde sa iau puncte si per total nu a iesit un minim de 45 puncte imi pare nespus de rau dar trebuie sa refaceti materia. Din acest moment aveti un termen de 24 de ore sa verificati si cand ne vedem sa imi comunicati eventualele erori. Dupa ziua de marti 23.05.2023 mediile devin fixe si sunt trimise catre fiecare facultate in parte.
The final results were published on 21.05.2023 at 17:51 on all communication channels. There were situations in which the exam exceeded the 100-minute deadline, therefore these situations were treated as follows: for each 100-minute test, 10 points were deducted (for each test).
Ex 10 seconds delayed = -10 points; 101 minutes late = 2x10 points.....
Students who had points during the year (minimum 40 points) but did not get enough points in the exam were transferred points during the year in the exam so that you can pass. For students who had nowhere to get points and in total did not get a minimum of 45 points, I feel incredibly sorry, but you have to redo the subject. From this moment, you have a period of 24 hours to check and when we meet to communicate any errors. After Tuesday 23.05.2023, the averages become fixed and are sent to each faculty separately.

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