
Marire medie finala TOATE FACULTATIILE

22 Mar, 2024

[RO] Oportunitate de marire a mediei finale cu maxim 1.5 puncte. Cine completeaza link-ul si la final imi aduce dovezi cu printscreen-uri de la introducerea email-ului personal cat si de pe ultimul chestionar (SENT FORMS... ) va primi automat 1.5 puncte la final.
De exemplu daca un student are media finala 36 puncte si a completat chestionarul mai primeste 15 puncte in plus. 36 + 15 = 51 puncte deci nota finala 5.
Link chestionar
Opportunity to increase the final average by a maximum of 1.5 points. Whoever fills in the link and at the end brings me evidence with printscreens from the introduction of the personal email and from the last questionnaire (SENT FORMS...) will automatically receive 1.5 points at the end. For example, if a student has a final average score of 36 points and has completed the questionnaire, he receives 15 extra points. 36 + 15 = 51 points, so final grade 5.
Link chestionar

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